Pendleton Foundation Trust is a non-profit, charitable organization that was founded in May, 1928. Its purpose is to assist, encourage and promote the well-being of the citizens and inhabitants of the City of Pendleton, Oregon. In line with this purpose, it receives gifts of money and property and receives and expends the income produced by this money and property annually for the benefit of the City of Pendleton and its inhabitants.

A Board of Directors, consisting of seven local citizens, operates as the governing body of the Pendleton Foundation Trust. The board solicits ideas from the community in order to decide how to disburse to worthy organizations or agencies for worthwhile projects the distributable income that has accrued from the trust funds the previous year. 

If an eligible nonprofit organization feels that it could use monies from the Pendleton Foundation Trust for "such civic, educational or charitable uses as will most effectively assist, encourage and promote the well-being of the citizens and inhabitants of the City of Pendleton, regardless of race, color or creed;" that organization may make application to the Pendleton Foundation Trust. Please refer to our updated guidelines for eligible organizations. 

Grant applications are available on this site August 1st for the October 1st deadline, and February 1st for the April 1st Deadline. 

The application to apply for the Fisk, Dudek and Pendleton Alumni Scholarships is available on this site January 1st with a deadline of March 1st. 

Questions? Please reach out to Tiffany Hegarty, Executive Director or 541-208-0300.


The Pendleton Foundation Trust is a non-profit, charitable organization that was founded in May, 1928. Its purpose is to assist, encourage and promote the well-being of the citizens and inhabitants of the City of Pendleton, Oregon. In line with this purpose, it receives gifts of money and property from interested persons and organizations. In turn, it invests this money and property and receives and expends the income produced by this money and property annually for the benefit of the City of Pendleton and its inhabitants.

 A Foundation Board of Directors, consisting of seven local citizens, operates as the governing body of the Pendleton Foundation Trust. The board solicits proposals in order to decide how to disburse to worthy organizations or agencies, for worthwhile projects, the distributable income that has accrued from the trust funds the previous year. Applications submitted by April 1st will be considered by the Board of Directors at their meeting in April. Applications on hand by October 1st will be considered by the Board of Directors at their meeting in October.

 Funding Focus

  • Grants support civic, educational, or charitable projects that assist, encourage, and promote the well-being of Pendleton residents regardless of race, color, or creed.
  • Board discretion favors tangible or capital improvement projects that serve the community and benefit the citizens of Pendleton in alignment with the Foundation’s mission.
  • Purchasing project materials and services from Pendleton merchants is encouraged.
  • Grants cannot be used for general operating budgets.


  • Must be a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or a subdivision of a governmental agency or have an approved fiscal sponsor that meets this eligibility.
  • Projects must benefit Pendleton residents.
  • Applicants who have previously received funding from the Pendleton Foundation Trust must have completed all prior grant projects and submitted the required reports.

Application Process and Requirements

  • Two competitive grant cycles annually.
  • Deadlines: April 1 and October 1, submitted via the Submittable online portal. Applications will open two months prior to each deadline.
  • An itemized budget reflecting income and expenses for the requested project is required.
  • Two competitive bids for capital expenditures are required. Please contact us prior to applying if you are having difficulty achieving this requirement. 
  • A current operating budget is required for the applicant's organization. 
  • Financial statements are required for all applicant organizations for the most current completed fiscal year.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Applications received by the deadline will be reviewed and considered for award by the Board of Directors at their April or October board meeting. Site visits may be requested.
  • Award decisions will be announced generally within one month of application deadlines.

Post Award Requirements

  • Funds must be used only for the specified purpose requested and awarded.
  • Unless approved by the Foundation board, projects must be completed within one year of funding, and a Grant Report Form with receipts and a project photo submitted. Funds not used must be returned to the Foundation.
  • Acknowledgement of the Pendleton Foundation Trust must be made by the display of plaque or other means to promote the impact of Foundation funds in the community.

 Questions regarding your application? Please reach out to Executive Director Tiffany Hegarty 541-208-0300 or